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To enable enterprises to drive business growth through our Innovative solutions and one-stop services.
To inspire talents, nurture leaders, excite entrepreneurship stakeholders and expand our global business network to create a better future.
To add value to our partners through transferring research innovation and expert knowledge, so that we can co-create Win-Win-Win situations for the society, businesses, and HKBU.
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Innovation, Technology Transfer, Knowledge Transfer, Art and Culture, Technology, Healthcare, Research and Impact, Events
HKBU showcases excellence in art-tech, space exploration and other scientific frontiers at InnoCarnival 2022
Oct 27, 2022
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)’s excellence in art-tech, initiatives in space exploration, and achievements at other frontiers of science is being showcased at the InnoCarnival 2022, held from 22 to 30 October at the Hong Kong Science Park.

Innovation, Art and Culture, Technology, Events
HKBU team adds art installations for more interaction in Hong Kong Palace Museum
Jul 28, 2022
The Hong Kong Palace Museum (HKPM) was officially opened on 2 July 2022. HKBU team led by Professor Jeffrey Shaw, Chair Professor of Academy of Visual Arts, took two years to design five art installations for the HKPM.

Innovation, Knowledge Transfer, Technology, Research and Impact, Awards, Events
HKBU KT Awards 2022
May 31, 2022
The HKBU KT Awards 2022, comprising Knowledge Transfer Award and Innovation Award, were conferred at the Awards Presentation for Outstanding Performance held on 24 May 2022.

Innovation, Technology Transfer, Technology, Awards
HKBU research projects clinch awards at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions
Apr 14, 2022
Two research projects conducted by HKBU research teams clinched Silver Medals at the Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions 2022.

Solutions, Innovation, Art and Culture, Research and Impact, Events, Funding
[Call for Applications] BU Ideas Galore! |ArtTech x Innovation|
Feb 24, 2022
[Call for Applications] The Knowledge Transfer Office is organising a brand-new competition – BU Ideas Galore! HKBU researchers and students who are working on ideas that are ArtTech or Innovation related may take this opportunity to showcase the world your research findings and solutions to real-world problems in a 3-minute video!

Research Advancement, Knowledge Transfer, Art and Culture, Research and Impact, Awards
HKBU Art Tech Project Shines at Times Higher Education Award Asia 2021
Dec 22, 2021
HKBU is the only Hong Kong institution winning the Times Higher Education (THE) Awards Asia 2021. “Space to Breathe”, a transdisciplinary research and knowledge transfer project which has attracted great praise from audiences and reviewers alike, won the Award in the Excellence and Innovation in the Arts category.

Innovation, Technology Transfer, Knowledge Transfer, Research and Impact, Events
HKBU showcases innovative technologies at InnoCarnival
Dec 21, 2021
The School of Chinese Medicine (SCM), the Faculty of Social Sciences (SOSC) and the Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO) jointly showcased nine innovative technologies to highlight the research impact of the University at the InnoCarnival 2021, which was held by the Innovation and Technology Commission at the Hong Kong Science Park from 23 to 31 October and attracted over 220,000 visitors.

Solutions, Research Advancement, Research Advancement (Industry), Research Advancement (Staff), Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Innovation, Technology Transfer, Knowledge Transfer, Art and Culture, Technology, Healthcare, Research and Impact, Awards, Events, Funding,
HKBU INPSIRE - A Brand-new YouTube Channel that showcases KT Impact & Technology Offers from HKBU
Nov 18, 2021
HKBU INPSIRE is a brand new youtube platform managed by Knowledge Transfer Office (KTO), to showcase HKBU’s innovation offers, KT impact, research excellence and commercialisation achievements. Over 80 high quality videos have been uploaded to this platform covering 5 main themes – Innovation, Society, Partnership, Research and Entrepreneurship.

Solutions, Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Startup
HKBU Spin-off Company Highlight: Scientist as Entrepreneur? It’s All in the Mindset! - Dr Phyllis Tsang
Oct 1, 2021
Skin scars are the normal and inevitable outcome of wound healing. If a scar is not treated properly, it may turn into an elevated scar, or in more serious case, the elevated scar grows bigger and wider.

Solutions, Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Startup
HKBU Spin-off Company Highlight: From Research to Impact – Pathway to Commercialisation – Prof Zhang Hongjie
May 1, 2021
Chinese medicine skincare has been well-respected since ancient times. What is the magic behind it? In this article, we would like to share with you the entrepreneurial journey of a Scientist, Prof Zhang Hongjie – the Co-founder and Director of Gihon Biotech Limited (Gihon), who is also a Professor from School of Chinese Medicine at HKBU, on how he turned his research findings into a commercialised product and started his business in cosmetic application.