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To enable enterprises to drive business growth through our Innovative solutions and one-stop services.
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To add value to our partners through transferring research innovation and expert knowledge, so that we can co-create Win-Win-Win situations for the society, businesses, and HKBU.
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Solutions, Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Startup
HKBU Spin-off Company Highlight: Scientist as Entrepreneur? It’s All in the Mindset! - Dr Phyllis Tsang
Oct 1, 2021
Skin scars are the normal and inevitable outcome of wound healing. If a scar is not treated properly, it may turn into an elevated scar, or in more serious case, the elevated scar grows bigger and wider.

Solutions, Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Startup
HKBU Spin-off Company Highlight: From Research to Impact – Pathway to Commercialisation – Prof Zhang Hongjie
May 1, 2021
Chinese medicine skincare has been well-respected since ancient times. What is the magic behind it? In this article, we would like to share with you the entrepreneurial journey of a Scientist, Prof Zhang Hongjie – the Co-founder and Director of Gihon Biotech Limited (Gihon), who is also a Professor from School of Chinese Medicine at HKBU, on how he turned his research findings into a commercialised product and started his business in cosmetic application.

Solutions, Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Startup
HKBU Spin-off Company Highlight: Pragmatic CEO Tips for Running a Startup – HKBU Alumnus Mr Jefferson LAU Wai-fung
Sep 1, 2020
Are you aware of nanotechnology in your everyday life? For example, your glasses or swim goggles are anti-fog coated with nanoparticles for good vision. What’s more? A new product Mat A® Culture Nanomatrices by Mat-A-Cell Limited (“Mat-A-Cell”), which is a biological cell culture substrate coated with a self-developed nanolayer, can substantially reduce the risk of carcinogenesis or inflammation in stem cell therapy.
In this article, you may get some inspiration and pragmatic tips for running a biotechnological startup from Mr Jefferson Lau Wai-fung, the CEO of Mat-A-Cell Limited, who is also an alumnus of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU).

Solutions, Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Startup
HKBU Spin-off Company Highlight: From Post-doctorate to CEO: The Entrepreneurial Journey of HKBU Alumna Dr Ashley Ho
Mar 1, 2020
MIND and Tech Limited has developed a solution for detecting early Alzheimer’s disease. To ensure people with dementia receive timely treatment, MIND and Tech aims to launch a detection kit for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, providing a faster, more sensitive, affordable and less invasive way than traditional method of detection.
In this article, we would like to share with you, an aspiring story of a young entrepreneur, Dr Ashley Ho – the CEO of MIND and Tech Limited, who is also a graduate in HKBU’s Department of Chemistry, on her journey of developing a solution for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease.

Solutions, Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Startup
HKBU Spin-off Company Highlight: Road to Entrepreneurship, Key to Social Impact - HKBU Alumnus Mr Sunny CHEUNG Sai-ho
Dec 1, 2020
Our HKBU alumnus, Mr Sunny Cheung Sai-ho shared with us that “Research & development as well as marketing & sales are equally essential to the growth of a business.” With tremendous effort to build up these important elements, he founded an IT company, CP2JOY IT CO. LIMITED, in 2019 to commercialise his innovative technology. “CP” is the initial of Cerebral Palsy and “Joy” stands for joystick.

Solutions, Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Startup
HKBU Spin-off Company Highlight: From Academia to an Entrepreneurial World – Dr Simon Han
Jun 1, 2020
Dr Simon Han’s outstanding research achievements meet a real business opportunity. The commercialisation of his research and development technology greatly enhances the standardisation and quality control of valuable traditional Chinese medicines in the industry.

Enterprise (Industry), Enterprise (Staff), Startup
HKBU Spin-off Company Highlight: Making the Leap from Laboratory to Market - Dr Lung Hong-lok
Mar 1, 2021
Dr Lung Hong-lok is an Assistant Professor from the Department of Chemistry at HKBU as well as the Co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of BP InnoMed Limited (BPI). He is recognised for developing a new EBV-specific targeted therapy and commercialising the innovative cancer research discoveries. BPI has developed a novel drug which has the potential to become a next-generation treatment for cancers associated with Epstein–Barr virus (EBV).